Setting of circulatory volume to salt: Understanding the basic elements

When preparing to launch a decentralized cryptocurrency project, setting circulation volume is an indispensable step that can have a significant impact on its value and acceptance. However, many programmers are struggling with this process, especially when it comes to order access. In this article, we will deepen in the details of setting the circulatory volume to sooty, which is necessary and how to achieve it.

What is the circulation volume?

The circulation volume refers to the total amount of cryptocurrency, which exists in active use. Basically, it is the market capitalization of the Toy tokena minus his private sales revenues (i.e. income generated from the sale of systems without receiving them). In other words, they represent how many coins circulate in the wild.

Why do you set the volume of movement?

Setting the circulatory volume is crucial for several reasons:

* Market capitalization : A large amount of traffic can increase the capitalization of the token market, which makes it more attractive to investors.

* Adopting : High circulation indicates that the token is used and accepted by users, which may increase the cases of acceptance and use.

* Partnership and cooperation : A powerful amount of movement can attract partners and colleagues who want to work with a high liquidity token.

Setting volume on salt

To set the circulation volume of Solana token, you must follow these steps:


  • Create a new contract : Create a new solar agreement using Sol Create Command- Contract. This will allow you to define the volume of movement.

  • Define circulation volume : In the contract, add a field called “Circulation volume of the desired value.

Here is an example of traffic size setting:


Sola Create-Contact-Nazwa Mytoken-Contact-IIID My_Contract_id \

-Contract -I \ \

-Contract-conscript \

"Susability of Pragma ^0.8.0; Import " Import "./mytken.sol"; Mytoken contract {addressed public owners; Mapping (address => uint64) public circulation volume; Constructor () {owners of = msg.sender; } Setcirculationvolume function (value Uint64) Public {circulatory volume [msg.sender] = value; }}

  • Set movement volume : After creating a contract, you must set the initial volume of movement using the cardiovascular volume function.


Mytoken contract {

Public owner address;

map (address => uint64) public circulation volume;

Builder () {

Ownerraddress = msg.sender;


Setcirculationvolume (UNT64) Public function {value

Circulatory volume [msg.sender] = value;



  • Update the contract

    : update the Solana CLI to reflect any changes introduced in the contract.

Important considerations

Before setting the circulation volume, consider the following:

* Private sales revenues : Make sure you have taken into account private sales income in your tokens economy.

* Rotal balance : Make sure that the hips of all users are updated and accurately reflected on blockchain.

* Management : If concerned, consider adding government mechanisms to make sure that the circulation volume is properly managed.

According to these steps you will be able to set a new amount of traffic for your Solan token. Remember to properly update the contract after making changes.


Setting the circulatory volume on salting requires careful planning and execution.

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