Ethereum Hardhat configuration project configuration with key infura -api

While setting up a new NPX hardhat project, you will find a mistake if you try to import the API -Infura key from your file. This problem is relatively common and can be solved by understanding how your hardhat project can be properly configured.

Error: HH1201 cannot find any value for the variable of the configuration ‘Infura_api_Key’

Error HH1201 shows that the configuration variable infura_api_key cannot be found in your code. This error usually occurs when the code tries to access or use a variable medium, but is not set.

How to fix the problem: Read your file .nv

To fix this problem, you have to make sure that your file .nv is properly configured with the Infura -API key. Here are a few steps with which you can fix the problem:

Ethereum: Cannot find a value for the configuration variable 'INFURA_API_KEY'

Step 1: Create a new file .nv

Create a new file called “.nv” on the trunk of your directory project. This file contains all of your environmental variables.


Touch .nv

Step 2: Add the Infura -API key to your .nv file

Add the following line to your file .nv:


Infura_api_key = your_infura_api_key_her

Replace your_infura_api_key_here with your actual key infura.

For example, if you use a private key or a variable medium for your important Infura API, you can add it in this way:


Infura_api_key = your_private_key_her

Step 3: Update your hardhat configuration

To use the Infura -API in your hardhat project, you must update the configuration variables. In addition, you have to set the variable infura_api_key.

You can do this by with the following content adding a file infuraconfig.json to the tribal point of your project:



"Key": "", "

"Secret": ""


If you use a private key variable or a medium for your important Infura -API, update the “Infura_api_Key” field.

Step 4: Update your hardhat project configuration

Update the file hardhat.config.js to use updated configuration variables. Concerty add the following line:


module.exports = {

// … other configurations …

DefaultConfig: {

// … other configurations …

Infura: {

Key: Process.env.infura_api_Key,

Secret: process.env.infura_secret





Step 5: Fill your hardhat project

Finally, start your hardhat project with the following command:


NPX Hardhat

The variable Infura_api_Key should now be properly set for your API -Infura key.

Use example

Here is an example of the use of this configuration in a simple provision of an intelligent contract:


Const eters = require (‘Eters’);

// Hardhat configurations

module.exports = {

// … other configurations …

DefaultConfig: {

// … other configurations …

Infura: {

Key: Process.env.infura_api_Key,

Secret: process.env.infura_secret




// provide an intelligent contract

Const -Deployer = New Ployer (‘0x …’); // replace with your unfolded address contract

Asynchrical function main () {

attempt {

Const Contractdress = expect use. Address ();

Console.log (contract address);

} Catch (error) {

Console.error (error);



primarily ();


If you follow these steps, you should fix the “HH1201” error and successfully use your important Infura -API in your Hardhat project.

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