Here’s an article on how to simplify your Ethereum stream data by only retrieving the 1h Klines:

Simplifying Your Ethereum Stream Data: A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to real-time market data, simplicity is key. In this article, we’ll show you how to optimize your Ethereum stream data by only retrieving the necessary 1h Klines.

Why 1h Klines are sufficient

Ethereum: Binance Stream Data End

With a large number of tickers and markets available, having too much data can be overwhelming. However, 1h Klines provide a good balance between coverage and storage requirements. By focusing on just the top N 1h Klines per ticker, you’ll get a more detailed view of market activity without excessive storage.

WebSockets for Stream Data

To simplify your stream data retrieval process, use WebSockets with your Ethereum provider (e.g., Binance). WebSockets enable bidirectional communication between your application and the provider’s server. This allows you to push data updates from your client (in this case, a web app) to the server.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Set up your WebSocket connection: Create a WebSocket connection with your Ethereum provider using their API documentation.

  • Define the Kline retrieval parameters: Specify the tickers and time intervals you want to retrieve Klines for (e.g., 1h).

  • Use WebSockets’ built-in streaming capabilities: When new data is available, use the onmessage event to push the latest Kline data to your client.

  • Filter out unnecessary data: Use a simple algorithm (like the one shown below) to filter out middle values and only keep the 1h top N Klines per ticker.

Here’s some sample code in JavaScript using WebSockets with Binance’s API:

const WebSocket = require('ws');

const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });

// Define the tickers and time intervals you want to retrieve Klines for

const tickers = ['ETH', 'BTC'];

const interval = { h: 1 };

// Function to filter out unnecessary data

function getTopNKlines(ws, tickers) {

const klines = {};

// Retrieve top N Klines per ticker

ws.on('message', (data) => {

const { ticker, kline } = JSON.parse(data);

if (!klines[ticker]) {

klines[ticker] = [];




// Filter out middle values

Object.values(klines).forEach((klinesArray) => {

const middleIndex = Math.floor(klinesArray.length / 2);

if (middleIndex > 0 && middleIndex < klinesArray.length - 1) {

klinesArray.splice(middleIndex, 1);



return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(klines).map(([ticker, array]) => [ticker, array]));


ws.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));

ws.on('close', () => console.log('WebSocket connection closed'));

wss.listen(8080, () => {

console.log('WebSocket server listening on port 8080');



By following these steps and using WebSockets with Binance’s API, you can simplify your Ethereum stream data retrieval process without sacrificing coverage or storage requirements. This approach will help you stay organized and focused on the market activity that matters most to your application. Happy coding!

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